Sunday, November 27, 2011

Something So Bad....Feels So Good.

" Gramp's house was dark when we got home, and Jill helped me to my room, out of my clothes and into my bed, and I drifted off into a seasick type of sleep, wrapped in a general sense of well-being, except for a slight headache that probably was the result of long and intense laughing. It was fun! It was ecstatic! It was glorious! But I don't think I'll ever try it again. I've heard too many frightening stories about drugs."Pg.34

After the party finished, Alice found out she drank coke with LSD in it. She felt shocked, scared but also relieved. And for some reason she felt happy/excited about this incident. She was actually glad this happened to her. For the first time ever Alice felt free,relaxed, and worried free. But at the same time she was very concern, she new what were the consequences for this action. The reason why i chose this important quote is because this incident will affect Alice's life and actions in the future. It will show if she is an addict or not.I predict Alice will some how , get back into this drug and will not stop using it.

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